*Most articles not directly about specific VTTs are quite dated. feel free to add more articles and links here.*
Guide to Choosing a Virtual Tabletop Program (2011) by Hernan Ruiz Camauer
Mini Interviews (2011)
The first is from MapTools, thanks to Azhrei for taking the time to answer the questions.
Mini Interviews for OpenRPG and Gametable added, thanks to pro.ebral and themaze75 for taking the time to answer the questions.
Next round of interviews are up: d20Pro and Fantasy Grounds. Once again thanks to the devs for taking the time to answer the questions, thraxxis and ddavison respectively.
4e D&D Tactical Mapping by DrZeus at the Fantasy Grounds forums.
More Mini Interviews (2011)
Two interviews from beta VTs: EpicTable and Infrno. Thanks to John Lammers and Mike Muldoon.
The last of the interviews that I have received: SceneMonkey, kLoOge.werks and Battlegrounds RPG. Thanks to Ed_NBOS, Kurris and heruca.
Part 2 and 3 of 4e D&D Tactical Mapping by DrZeus at the Fantasy Grounds forums.
If you would like to submit an article for RPG Virtual Tabletop please contact me.