Cursory Update 2018: Site went defunct little after 2011-09, no mentions found elsewhere of site
Web Archive link to homepage 2011
SceneGrinder™ is a Virtual Table Top for hosting role playing games.
Your game is always available and always running… no need for special software or downloads. SceneGrinder™ works in Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, Opera, and Chrome.
With real-time lights and dynamic point of view (walls that actually block what players can see) your scenarios are brought to a whole new level. Each game gets its own wiki and forum.
SceneGrinder™ is NOT targetted at a specific gaming system, such as Dungeons & Dragons® or d20®, but instead allows you to configure your campaign rules right online for any RPG or FRPG. You may also borrow and adapt rules from other members.
SceneGrinder™… "May your game never end."
Tried to connect to their server to try their system out, kept timing out. But then, I think modern browsers don't keep trying long enough either.
Yeah, not sure if this is still active or not.
SceneGrinder is an immersive 3D Virtual Tabletop (VTT) with unique features, like first person point-of-view and interactive NPC's that you create. Our system is 100% browser-based, with no application to download or server to set up. Runs on desktops, laptops, phones and tablets.
SceneGrinder is the only VTT that enables you to build a world where your players can login 24/7 and play with or without a GM.
Over the last six months, test groups have logged hundreds of hours on SceneGrinder, helping us to iron out the core features.
The product is in Kickstarter pre-launch.
Visit r/scenegrinder for details and site information.